One west – Business Continuity Service
Customer expectation that our services will be delivered on time, well and reliably day after day is getting higher and higher. This is where our Business Continuity Management Service can help.
When things go wrong our customers place an onus to recover very quickly. One West is there to support services to achieve greater resilience ensuring they deliver services as consistently as possible.
In addition to acting as the Business Continuity lead for B&NES One West does the same for North Somerset Council and over 75 schools and academies.
What we help with:
- Risk identification and evaluation
Identification of risks and the level of threat to the organisation to enable it to counter them as part of the Councils Business Continuity Policy.
- Business Continuity Plan preparation
Development of more formal Business Continuity Plans utilising our Business Continuity Plan Template and developing the actions needed to bring resilience.
- Business Continuity exercising
Exercises to practice putting a plan into action in response to a problem.
- Business Continuity review
An annual review of services plans to ensure that they remain robust and current.
- Business Continuity training
Courses to help team members to respond better to future needs.
Our team was involved in supporting plans for organisational resilience under the threats posed by COVID-19. This has given B&NES services ‘real life’ experience of the effectiveness of our individual service Business Continuity plans.
We can take these lessons looking forward and improve them based on what we know – our service can help with that.
Also, we are returning to a new ‘business as usual’ as our Pre Covid working practices will change to accommodate a much higher degree of remote working with very different use of office space.
This will present challenges including the consolidation and cataloguing of documents vital to services day to day work.
One West has a big part to play in this at organisational level but equally is there to support individual services to adjust.
If you want to talk about Business Continuity you can contact Steve de-Bruin via or call us on 01225 395959