Legal obligations to keep records for extended periods of time places a burden on administration and takes up valuable space. Our service deals with that for you.
We will be undertake storage, retention and disposal of your records making sure that your information is safe, retrievable on demand and private.
What you get from us
•Full records lifecycle management from creation to destruction.
•Electronic logging of records to ensure full traceability at any time.
•Agreed retention schedules to ensure adherence to legislation.
•Flexible record delivery and collection services.
•Scan on demand services.
•Collection, shredding and disposal of confidential waste.
•Specialist disposal of magnetic media.
Our services are provided flexibly depending on what you want and what you need. We will work with you as part of an ongoing relationship you can trust – the first step is to contact us.
Need something else?
We offer a broad range of other professional services in audit, assurance and general business support. All are designed to actively partner with and support our customers with the same philosophy of flexibility, quality and value.