Our up coming events are listed below. Click on the links to register an interest.

Data Protection in Education; a professional’s view
Data Protection in Education; a Professional’s View
2018 saw the enforcement of GDPR and many organisations throughout Europe – schools very much included, had to struggle hard to come up to speed with the new requirements in time.
Since then, while the headlines may have faded, Data Protection is more pertinent and relevant than ever. More recently news of the ‘big ticket’ fines is starting to filter through signalling the ongoing requirement to make sure there is compliance.
- So – what have we learned over the past four years?
- What are the biggest risks and most common mistakes?
- And what’s next in the world of data protection?
To find out we will be inviting you to our free seminar, where our GDPR experts will talk through their experiences of Data Protection in the Educational services sector, provide you with invaluable advice and tips as well as looking at what data protection legislation is likely to look like in the future.
£ Free
Not Currently Available